Graphix Hochiki Latitude Package

Hotline: 0902862116 
  • Graphix Hochiki Latitude Package

  • Product code: LLUL2004 - LLUL2016 - LLUL2128 - L@ti-View
  • Manufacturers: HOCHIKI

    Origin: US/UK

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This professional-grade graphics system will complement the new generation of fire alarm control panels, while also being backwardcompatible with the current analog product.

L@ti-View enables the creation of a 2D map of any site or building to monitor fire safety and detection, and automatically switches to an area where a fire device has been activated to allow immediate viewing and investigation of an event. It also displays the relevant emergency assembly and fire control points.

Fully-configurable on-site, L@ti-View supports dual screens allowing a dedicated screen for the 2D graphic map and a separate screen for system management. It also reports any configuration errors, ensuring that the graphics system is maintained and updated whenever the panel configuration is revised.


  • L@ti-View works with L@titude, FireNET and FireNET Plus panels.

  • Reports configuration mismatch errors – ensuring that the graphics system is properly maintained and updated whenever there are any panel configuration revisions

  • Powerful event log filtering and reporting

  • Manage the state of the fire system using a combination of graphical images and system controls

  • Programmable macro buttons to perform panel control operations

  • Full map navigation using configurable buttons or map areas

  • Device analog value reporting

  • Perform device and zone disablements / enablements

  • Operate and restore loop output devices for testing purposes

  • Dual screen support for clarity
