Hochiki Firenet Graphix software

Hotline: 0902862116 
  • Hochiki Firenet Graphix software

  • Product code: GUS 1-4/4-8/9-16/17-32/33-64
  • Manufacturers: HOCHIKI

    Origin: UK

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FireNET graphix is a software program that allows a PC to display events in text and/or graphical form as they occur on the FireNET fire alarm system. Up to 64 FireNET control panels may be connected to a PC running FireNET graphix.
FireNET graphix also allows a user to take control of the fire alarm system via a replica of a fire alarm control panel presented on the PC display. FireNET graphix records all events from the fire alarm system and allows these events to be filtered and presented for analysis in a variety of ways
To connect a FireNET fire alarm system to a PC running FireNET graphix software, a dongle device must be installed in one of the control panels and connected to a serial port on the PC. If the fire alarm system consists of more than one fire control panel, information from the other control panels is transmitted over the fire alarm network to the panel
that is connected to the PC.
Each dongle is protected by a security code. This code is assigned by Hochiki America Corporation. After the security code has been entered, it will only work on the FireNET panel on which it was originally installed. Please see section 2.4 of this manual for details on obtaining and entering the security code.
