Series DS-ECC Dry Type Sprinklers 5.6K Pendent Concealed Quick Response, Extended Coverage

Hotline: 0902862116 
  • Series DS-ECC Dry Type Sprinklers 5.6K Pendent Concealed Quick Response, Extended Coverage

  • Product code: TY3539
  • Manufacturers: TYCO


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TYCO Series DS-ECC Dry Type Sprin - klers, 5.6K Pendent Concealed, Quick Response (3 mm Bulb), Extended Cov - erage (TY3539), are decorative bulbtype sprinklers featuring a flat cover plate designed to conceal the sprinkler. This type of sprinkler is typically used to provide a sprinkler drop from an unheated attic into an area where aes - thetics is a concern, such as nursing homes, restaurants, and schools.

They are intended for use in auto - matic sprinkler systems designed in accordance with standard installation rules, for example, NFPA 13. The fast response thermal sensitivity rating of Series DS-ECC Dry Type Sprinklers (TY3539) provides for a quick response extended coverage (QREC) rating up to an 18 ft (5,5 m) x 18 ft (5,5 m) cover - age area.
