Type DN-5 Corrosion Resistant Duct Nozzle, Open Medium Velocity

Hotline: 0902862116 
  • Type DN-5 Corrosion Resistant Duct Nozzle, Open Medium Velocity

  • Product code: DN-5
  • Manufacturers: TYCO

    Origin: UK

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The TYCO Type DN-5 Corrosion Resis - tant Duct Nozzle is an open (nonautomatic) directional spray nozzle designed for use in water spray fixed systems for fire protection applications in extremely corrosive duct environ - ments. It is an external deflector type nozzle that discharges medium velocity water droplets.

The Type DN-5 Corrosion Resistant Duct Nozzle is effective in discharging water to vertical, horizontal, curved, and irregular shaped surfaces within a duct to achieve fire suppression and potential extinguishment.
